Sunday, March 17, 2013

Theories on Women: Volume One

The cheerleader effect (credit to how I met your mother, and the theory that got me thinking about the two to follow)
A group of women, when together, appears to be much much more attractive than the individual women are
The Home Town Hottie Conundrum
Commonly observed in small communities, this describes the situation where a more plain, average girl seems like a goddess simply because there is no one around to compare her to.  this is normally observed when a young hometown boy goes off to college in a bigger city, and begins to see, if not more attractive, more exotic women, and returns home to f ind he can't look at the girls of his hometown the same way anymore.  DO NOT BE FOOLED.  There actually are some real knockouts that live in these small towns.
The Hot Bartender Theory
From what I've been told by female friends, this theory actually goes for both genders.  This simply states that for whatever unexplainable reason (a friend and I tried to wrap our heads around this over several rounds of rum and scotch to no avail), People who are serving drinks in a bar appear much more attractive than they do normally.  This affect amplifies no matter what, because I am friends with some girl bartenders who are real knockouts just normally, and once they start serving, are  I first noticed this when I saw a bartender who had just started at my regular watering hole one day, just in drinking, not serving, and didn't even recognize her.  my best friend actually had to tell me who she was, then it hit me like a brick.
These are merely observations based on my life, and are not meant to offend anyone.  It's just how I see the world
J. Edgar Davis

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