Monday, March 18, 2013

More Famous Girls I Think Are Hot

Like most good ideas, this is really simple.  Even more celebrities I'm attracted to
Zooey Deschanel- More blue eyes, and dark hair, plus she's really funny and that's attractive.
Alessandra Torresani-Wow, I really have a fetish, don't I?? (btw, she was in the short lived Battlestar Galactica Origins series, Caprica, and she also has dark hair and blue eyes)
Megan Fox - I think you're starting to get it..
Jessica Biel - I can't rightly explain this honestly...she has none of the physical qualities I like, except when she wore glasses in Chuck and Larry, but she's just phenomenal anyway
Drew Barrymore - Drew Barrymore is weird because she goes on periods where she's super hot, then she just stops being hot for a while, and is less than average, then a couple years later you see her in a commercial and she's super hot again.  I adore her smile, it's perfect.
Anne Hathaway - Anne Hathaway has a clumsy geeky charm to her that I just can't ignore.  I know she's actually not relatable, but that charm brings her down to earth and makes her actually seem a little bit relatable
Kaley Cuoco - Cute. Curvy. Can project real power in her voice.  I really have only one complaint and that is she only plays roles that are really brainless and slutty, and I feel she has more talent than that
Diane Neal - The good looking lawyer in SVU.  Cute face and hot voice.
And now two local celebrities.  Who knows, maybe a reader knows one and I'll get set up on a date.
The girl who used to be on the mobideals and hey! it's half off commercials - I'm actually pretty sure I met her once already, but I was also pretty hammered that night.  But yeah, she's really hot.
Nicole Coglin - Great sense of style, and just plain really really cute.  Very bright and bubbly too.
Short, simple, and to the point

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