Monday, March 18, 2013

Rules on Dating 4: Manipulation; A True Battle of the Sexes

We've come to a point in history where a marriage has a better chance of ending in a courtroom than a cemetery.  Relationships come and go faster than they ever have.  The time when a date was the gateway to a lifelong relationship, and generally pre-arranged by family, friends, or simply location, has evolved into the time when a date goes into something that only lasts until one or both parties get what they want, whether physical, financial, or sociological.  I am not innocent to this either.  It's societal.  People are expected to behave a certain way, but why??  Let's explore this...
Our modern society is awash in breakups and divorces, and one of the most common reasons people give when they are asked about their breakups is "He/She was just using me."  Both genders use this reason, and both genders have a reason to use it.  Men and women are both crafty in getting what they want out of a relationship, but what is it that they want??  To start with, let's look at society.  Our society has opened the doors for women over the last 40 years.  Looking back at TV and movies from the 50's, 60's, and even the 70's, what do we always see??  A patriarchal society where the man goes to work and the wife stays as the home maker.  From what I've heard of accounts of this time period, this isn't far off, either.  Women of this time got married essentially to survive.  Love came much easier and with less pickiness as it does today, and a divorce meant being used up goods, a spinster reputation, and little to no options for life.  Job categories were limited to just a few options.  A societal shift among teens in the 70's led women to have tons more freedom and life options other than getting married through the 80's on to today.  This led to older marriages, and women becoming more independent, not needing a man in her life to go to work every day to survive, and led to a the great equality that we enjoy today.
Now most of us already know all this, but how does this relate to manipulation??  As women grew to equality, and needed men less and less, their options became broader.  If the man that asked her out did not suit her needs or changed in a way that no longer pleases her, she can get up and move on to the next option.  This phenomenon completely changed the dynamic of dating for both genders, and led to the enormous amounts of breakups and divorces previously mentioned.  And also led to a wide variety of games, tricks, and evil moves to get both dates and get out of relationships.  Both sides are guilty, but there are massively different reasons, mostly engraved deep in our human psychology
Now, I don't have a psych degree.  I'm a mechanic, and a lawn care/snow removal specialist.  Everything in all of my blog entries is strictly observation, and has no medical background to it.  That being said, let's delve into the things I've observed about human courtship.  Now, men and women both have needs from the other, but both are very different.  In courtship, men are generally driven by a desire for sex, while women are generally driven by a need to feel attractive.  What makes this work is how each gender, by seeking their needs, offers the opposite need in turn.  An interesting side note to this is that I have observed that our courtship needs are more about what's offered than what's needed.  While all relationships are about give and take and caring, I've noticed that gay relationship tend to be less sexually charged, and gay men tend to be more conscious of their appearances and attractiveness, and lesbian relationship, whether real, or a show to attract men at a college party, tend to be a little more sexually charged.  This small observation opened the door for one of the biggest observations I've noted about human courtship.  To put it harshly, when it comes to sex, men have to impress the women, flowers, drinks, dinners, smooth talk, and women simply have to be available.  Harsh as it is, it illustrates the first observation I made.  A woman who puts herself out there can feel attractive when held in passion, and not in planning.  She got a complete stranger to fall enough in love with her to want her, and a guy got laid.  The opposite side of this is the classic adage that I've seen on women's t-shirts, keychains, and bumper stickers.  "Men are like wood floors, lay them right the first time and you can walk all over them for life".  Women know they can use sex, being a driving force to men, to entice companionship, and to keep their partner around.
Now, this shows the driving force that holds relationships together, but where does manipulation come into play on this.  Simply put, it's when dating turns from a sociological ideal to a game.  Manipulation mostly comes in two phases of a relationship.  The first is during attraction.  Women and men go to outrageous lengths to attract the opposite sex.  Perfumes, colognes, alcohol, clothes, a myriad of other tools and games, all leading to one specific purpose.  For the unclaimed (and occasionally the claimed) to attract the attention of a mate, if only for a night.  Women dress as scantily as possible, sometimes wearing clothes out that are practically lingerie, to project themselves as available.  They will also dance wildly and act drunker than they may actually be, projecting themselves as more approachable.  Some women will even go as far as to make out with a female friend in public place to charge the sexual urges of the men around.  Men on the other hand, will dress in high end clothes, wear expensive clothes and accessories, and wear hairstyles that are excessively done up to project richness and the ability to take care of a woman long term, whether true or not.  In conversation men in the attraction state also pretend to listen and buy meals and drinks, giving the image of a caring man who is attracted to the woman mind and body, and project the stereotype of the breadwinner.  While this is a tired old stereotype that is becoming less and less true, as I mentioned before, it's still deeply etched in the societal collective mind of humans, and still seemingly important in attracting a mate.  These series of acts and stories may not accurately reflect the people who are projecting them,  but the werewolf effect attracts mates every day, and many one night stands lead into relationships, some that last for years before the boredom sets in and the second form of manipulation starts to set in.
The second form of manipulation is the dangerous part, when the relationship starts.  When people manipulate to get into a relationship, it's generally purpose driven, and that comes back to the argument of illiciting attraction or sex, and both genders play dangerous games to get their goals, and continue to hold on to them.  Men tend to play yo-yo with attraction.  What I mean by this is that a man will give attracted attention to a woman initially, then retract the attention for an indefinite amount of time, even sometimes going as far as mild insult, and in severe cases, the retraction goes as far as abuse.  Whatever the degree, the reason is always the same, so that a small display of affection will seem like an earth shattering romantic gesture, and entice them into a sexual mood.  Then afterwards will go back to a state of retracted attraction.  Women on the other hand, seeking the feeling of attraction, will tend to lead or force their men to prove their attraction in various manners.  This varies far in degree.  Some women will stand in a mirror and judge themselves vocally in front of their men, waiting for them to disagree and express the attraction.  In other cases they will attempt to push the relationship in a further direction.  This phenomenon is discussed as the marriage fix in a previous article.  Most women will try to initiate sex as a measure of attraction.  Finally, a few more self conscious women have been known to move to deadly measures, convincing a man that she can't be with him in hopes that he will harm or kill himself as a grand gesture to show how attracted he is.
Now, there is no real solution to this dangerous game.  Awareness is essentially key.  Seeing the unhealthy signs and backing out before a person gets hurt or emotionally damaged is the only aid to this.  And as simply as the increasing equality of men and women is what slowly led to this war, it can also be the treaty that ends it.  If a relationship isn't working, or is damaging, both men and women have options, and can move on and find someone who is truly suited for them, not someone who had to put on an act to get there.
J. Edgar Davis

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