This blog entry is dedicated to Jenny the Sunnyside bar fly. That cold bitchy look in your eyes is the inspiration for this.
the great song by the Eagles, "Desperado", Don Henley gives the slow
line "but you only want the ones you can't get". I noticed an
interesting feeling in the bar that seems to really relate to this.
People tend to chase the people that are out of reach. The people who
are out of their leagues. The shiny apple at the top of the tree if you
will. The appeal leads to superiority and inferiority complexes, and
an effect that I've noticed in women for years, but have finally seen in
a way that I can figure out and analyze and explain.
Now before
we look at what I call the Sharpay Effect, there's another effect that I
noticed a while back. I call it the "Hot Girl Complex". I'll
explain. The more stuck up of very attractive girls get a lot of
attention. They claim that some of it is unwanted, so when a guy that
they don't necessarily want starts noticeably paying attention to them,
they act angry, sometimes getting to the point of confronting the
gentleman who is paying her mind. But the thing that pushes these types
of girls further is coming to find out that the guy that they think is
beneath them doesn't find them attractive. I first noticed this about 6
years ago when I worked at a local grocery store. This was back before
I became awesome, when I had long hair and dressed like I was allergic
to quality fabrics. One of the new cashiers at the time was constantly
showing up at the time clock right around the time that I was. One day,
while I was working, my friend Shandra approached me and told me that
this girl (her name escapes me right now) was angry because I kept
checking her out (she said angry, not upset). I kindly took her aside
and explained to her this fact. Honestly, as hot as this little girl's
little body was, her face completely ruined it for me. The blond little
corkscrews in her shoulder length hair just didn't do it for me at all,
and her face kinda made me think of a parakeet every time. So my
friend explained to her that I didn't think she was attractive at all.
She didn't say the parakeet thing, because I knew better than to say
that to her in a grocery store environment. Any intimate secrets being
in the open are just asking for trouble. Anyhow, after that, this girl
always had the dirtiest, nastiest look in her eyes toward me, wouldn't
take me as a customer when I went up front to get something to eat or
drink, and wouldn't let me get her anything from the deli, where I was
working. This is not the last time this has happened to me, either.
Come to think if it, it wasn't the first time. It actually really is a
sad sad situation when a girl is so desperate for male attention that
she gets pissed off when a guy she doesn't like doesn't think she's hot.
But even worse than that is the "I deserve everyone's attention"
attitude that this article was written for.
There are certain
girls out there, fewer actually than a person may think, who have
essentially been given quite a bit, whether it be attention, worldly
possessions, or her "way". Being spoiled doesn't automatically mean
getting everything, just always getting what you want in a certain way.
It's a hard concept to explain. A person can be spoiled with his or
her way without getting any sort of worldly possessions, like a child
who's siblings are forced to work constantly while he sits at home and
plays video games and is never expected to get any sort of job even long
into adulthood. This child isn't getting whatever he wants, and isn't
whiny or snarky, just lazy, and yet still spoiled. Another example is
the girl with the nice body who thrives on attention, and gets it. Her
daddy didn't go out and buy her a car or any expensive trips or shopping
sprees, but everywhere she goes every eye is on her, and that is, to
her, psych0ligically, the ultimate goal. It is this type of spoiled
that brings us to the meat of this article.
I see this second type
of spoiled weekly at the bar that I go to regularly. A girl who comes
in regularly exhibits it well. Now, I don't know her personally, so all
I can do is speculate, but I do know my gender, and I can tell you
outrightly that with the body on this girl, she turns heads everywhere
she goes, and she knows it. Her face is ok, but her body is
spectacular, and when I say face is ok, I mean I actually normally would
never ever think to ask her out unless I had a few, but there is more
than that. Much the same is her attitude to that of the character who
lent her name to the title of this article. In the High School Musical
franchise, Sharpay is a character who believes herself to deserve
everything that she desires. "I want fabulous" is the quote that sticks
out. In the literature, she is a cutthroat character who will make
life a living hell for anyone who stands in the way of her getting
whatever she wants because it's supposedly a birthright to her, and the
opposing side of being sweet as sugar to anyone who enables her the
things she desires forms into a certain kind of attitude that outwardly
emanates from her in her walk, and her talk. Much the same way, this
regular patron has an attitude just pouring off of her. Everytime I
look at her eyes, I can almost hear her saying "I'm too good for you,
I'm too good for anyone, but damnit, if you don't want me anyway there
is gonna be hell to pay". I've also noticed that when she's getting
attention from guys, she's calmer, more personable, and generally
happier, but in the empty bar situation, or when she's not getting
checked out, she tends to be cold, distanced, and even prone to snapping
over the littlest things.
Now to close, we'll roll all this into
the actual effect that's attached to it. While I already find Ashley
Tisdale attractive, my heart races when I see her throwing her Sharpay
attitude around. Seeing the determination and the attitude in her eyes
and hearing it in her voice is just plain hot. In just the same way, as
I mentioned before, I normally wouldn't be even interested in this girl
who inspired me to write this, but once I see the attitude, she's
irresistable. The Sharpay Effect, a spoiled attitude that makes a
person seem unapproachable also makes them more and more attractive.
You only want the ones that you can't get.
J. Edgar
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