Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bernie Sanders and Tax Reform

The GOP in Congress has finally come together and put tax return into conference so we can get it passed for next year.  Ignoring the fact that our economy would boom if this went retroactive, this is a huge victory for our country and the working class going forward and could prove to make 2018 a more profitable year all around.  There has been the usual blowback from every democrat in the world saying that anything conservatives do must be to subjugate the working class.  But Senator Sanders fired up his Twitter and said something that really stuck in the back of my mind and has been eating at me ever since.  

It's no secret that ever since the Donald first mentioned a tax cut on the campaign trail, Democrats and Socialists have been screaming that the tax cuts would only be for the rich.  I've been commenting on that numbers game ever since they started saying it.  But Sanders went so far as to call it "stealing".  On December first, @sensanders tweeted out "I say to my Republican colleagues: The American people are catching on. While you may get away with this act of looting tonight, history is not on your side." Senator Sanders is the last human being on the planet that needs to be lecturing anybody about looting, bottom line.

Socialism is the obvious place for any of Bernie's detractors to go to when looting comes to mind. Wealth redistribution is essentially taking the money from those who earned it at gunpoint and giving it to those who don't. That's a tired talking point that everyone in the US has already heard. I take issue with a completely different aspect of the Vermont Senator's behavior when he accuses someone else of looting

According to, the Sanders Campaign raised $228,164,501 by small donations. Essentially, he ran a crowdfunded campaign with the intent to oust the Wall Street corrupted Clinton, and his supporters were all to eager to throw money at him because they couldn't stand the thought of Mrs. Clinton being President. At the beginning of the campaign, Clinton was considered to be a classic Democrat who would walk back the Socialist ideals that Obama set in motion. When Sanders suspended his campaign, he immediately turned his support to the hated Hillary. He also publicly took to his pulpit and urged all of his constituents to do the same. Now, I understand why he did it. The Democrats and Socialist Elites may have convinced their voters that Barack didn't treat the Government and the economy like Matt Lauer treats an intern, Sanders knew full well that he did. Tanking the economy was a crucial step in restructuring it in a Communist fashion, and a man who made a fortune in the free market system would do everything he could to walk the regulations back and make the working class independent of the government. The end game wasn't making Hillary win, it was making Trump lose. However, the American people paid a lot of money, twenty bucks at a time, for Bernie to staunchly oppose Clinton. Having him go back and essentially say "Just kidding" seems like it was nothing but a big cheat. I remember one of the first questions I asked after I first heard him urge his supporters to vote Clinton was "So, does everyone who sent that money to him just get a check in the mail now, or what happens with all that money?"

There is one other area of great concern to me. The Open Secrets website also reported what the Sanders campaign spent throughout the Presidential run. The total expenditures of the Campaign came out to $222,709,530. That leaves $5,455,161 that no one really talks about. The 1989 Ethics Reform Act does prohibit him from using that money for personal gain, but given Sanders's attitude toward charity, and the Democrat Party on the whole, it's unlikely that the leftover money went to either of those. And I've never heard a story of anyone getting a check back from the campaign.

What do you think of the Socialist Senator's tweet? Do you feel that the GOP has looted you? Perhaps you know someone who feels looted by the good Bernie.  I always welcome comments and discussion both here and over on Twitter.  My handle is @edsblogtw1tter if you want to follow me to comment or read previous articles from my feed.  If you like what you've read, go ahead and hit that like button, and consider hitting the retweet button as well.  That would be cool of you.  Remember, never take the words of journalists, bloggers, or podcasters as Gospel.  Find all the facts, and draw your own conclusion.  Thank you for reading.

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