Saturday, October 28, 2017

Russian Collusion

It's been a little over a year now since Russia and it's interference in the 2016 election.  I don't think there is anyone left in the US that doesn't have an opinion on whether or not Russia stole the election.  While the evidence is starting to come out to point that the Obama administration was the colluding party, we are on the edge of forgetting what actually happened and what ghost we have been chasing for the past year, when the story gets drowned by the next made up scandal that the opposing party has on their list.

During the primary season, there was a series of emails released through a web-based organization Wikileaks that mostly involved Former Secretary of State Clinton.  In the beginning, the emails were mostly missing documents surrounding events from her tenure as Secretary of State, and the Benghazi incident.  As the primaries and the general election went on, the emails that were being leaked moved away from the events of 4 years prior to more current events surrounding the primary cycle and her competition with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.  Most, if not all of the emails that had been leaked were run through a private email server that the Clintons kept in their home, and were initially thought to have been deleted.  While the actual content of the emails was condemning evidence in the events in question, the mainstream media turned its focus to how Wikileaks got their hands on the emails instead of what was in them.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been well known for quite some time as being a truth seeker and his reputation also points to him being very good at finding it.  While he has been reluctant to reveal his exact sources for the emails that he leaked surrounding the Democrat National Committee, he has vehemently denied Russian involvement in the matter.  To be completely honest about the whole situation, I don't remember ever hearing about the Russians until the final Presidential Lincoln Douglass Debate before Election Day.  During this debate, Secretary Clinton was asked directly about the leaked emails, and she referred it away to Russian Hacking for the first time since the emails were leaked.  Suddenly, the entirety of the media was rushing around to find out whether or not Russia had indeed hacked the email server and leaked the information out to the public, and the whole world conveniently forgot that only a few minutes prior, Mrs. Clinton had leaked the nuclear time frame to the world on that same stage. 

It's interesting that the first notable accusation of Russian hacking was a very late game statement by the candidate who wound up losing in quite a landslide.  The thing that interests me the most about it actually came around a half a year later when evidence mysteriously and suddenly surfaced saying that Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner were invited to a meeting with a Russian Lawyer who had damning evidence on Mrs. Clinton.  What's odd about this is that my understanding of the information exchanged during this meeting turned out to actually be a complete bust, but it did publicly put men that were the closest to President Trump in a compromised position, and no one has yet to find who hired the Russian Lawyer, or where the money train originated to get her into this meeting.  In fact, most of the questions seem to stop at the son and son-in-law of the President. 

I had an idea when the Russian Lawyer situation first came to light.  It seemed a little farfetched at the time, so I didn't really post it or discuss it anywhere.   But now that the evidence is starting to come to light about Uranium one and the Clinton Foundation, along with Mr. Mueller suddenly having a list of people to bring charges upon after a year of searching, I feel more and more confident every day that my idea could hold water.  I'll never say that my theory is true until I see the hard evidence, but the plausibility of it seemed to have risen over the last week in light of the newly released facts to the public. 

The only way I can wrap my head around a meeting about condemning evidence with prominent members of the Trump family and a Russian lawyer; along with the quickness in which Hillary was able to accuse the Trump Campaign of Russian hacking when we all thought it was some American guy; would be if Clinton herself, or someone in the campaign, hired the lawyer.  As I mentioned earlier in the article, there was no real new information that came along with the meeting, and it did put both men in compromising position that they later had to be investigated for.  Short of the President confessing to allying with the Russians to steal the election, it's the only thing that really makes sense to me. 

I'm not a journalist, I'm just a writer and commentator, so do not take my word as gospel on this situation.  Look over the evidence, as I have, and draw your own conclusions.  Mrs. Clinton lied and cheated to get the Vermont Socialist out of her way to the top of the ticket, so such a ploy would not be at all out of character.  Just keep the thought in the back of your head as this story gets buried in the news cycle like Ferguson when it is no longer convenient.  We've had a lot of years that the news story of the century suddenly fades away and gets forgotten about before a logical closure can be obtained.  Thanks as always for reading and I hope you will subscribe. 

I will be making a Twitter account for my blog, so look for a new handle in the articles to come.  I'm also going to be trying to hold myself to a minimum of an article a week as I move forward.  I'm also considering turning my blog into a vlog, and hopefully a regular webshow in the months to come.  I will keep you posted on that.  As I get my new Twitter account finalized, I look forward to reading people's comments and getting some thoughtful discussion going.  I'm excited to see what the future brings.

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