Most people who will read this saw my announcement towards the end of 2017 saying that I intended to change my blog format over into video rather than written. There have been a lot of bumps along the way, and every time I put a video out, I learn a little bit more about how to make it better. But I'm 20 videos along right now, and I want to make sure my audience stays with me
If you want to see what I've been up to since February, and subscribe or leave a comment, I can be found here
J Edgar/Ed's World
Additionally, all of my videos are linked to the Twitter account that I associate with this blog. That is @edsblogtw1tter
I've had to wave the white flag on writing even though I'd love to do both. With my full time job, I had to pick videos or written word, and I hope that my videos will improve my audience to both
Always remember, never take the words of bloggers, podcasters, or journalists as gospel. Find all the facts, and draw your own conclusions